Monday, May 17, 2010

ammendment 8 in cartoon 10 - 12

AMMENDMENT 8:No excessive bail or fines, or cruel and unusual punishment


This cartoon is a representation of the 8th amendment in a funny way. it shows a criminal in the electric chair about to be shocked to death by static electricity induced by ballones and a man with a shag rug mask. this doesn't fall under the category of cruel so much. depending on how you are looking at the situation. but this does fall under the category of unusual punishment. as funny as this may be it is in a direct violation of the constitution.


this is a nother cartoonic example of the 8th amendment. this is the cruel part of the ammendment which shows 2 police officers about to beat a prison inmate. i understand that some of the people in our prison system have done some bad things to get where they are but the constitution of our great country clearly states that their can be noo cruel punishment done to anyone. inmate or free man this country does not believe in torture.


this cartoon clearly states the last part of the 8th amendment which is that no excessive bail shall be posted. th cartoon shows a man who looks partuially crazy and really doesn't have any money being prosecuted. the district attorney wants to post bail at 1000 dollars because the hat on his head says he may be a flight risk. as funny as this is the cartoon violates the 8th amendments standard that says no exccessive bail will be fined.

OPINION:This law is a much needed law due to the countless talks of torture around the world. the one thing that america does not believe in is the torture of a human being. under the constitution no cruel or unusual punishment will come to any citzen living here. i can understand the arguement that the people in prrison do deserve to be punished but you have to look as if you were in their shoes. they are humans like you and i. only they made a mistakes but that doesnt mean we can torture and beat them as we please. neither should we post bail to a million dollars to a simple man who had a car accident. i know the country needs money but we cant use that as a excuse to put bail high on people who made simple mistakes.